Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Welcome to Beijing 2008 Olympics

Was it ever told that the Beijing olympics pale in comparison with the one going-on in this arena?

Peat peat an numb yeah aaargh!

Peat ick say long!

Coup rot sash sing it!

Bow nut an boo hook sah key lay key lay!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mourning Into Dancing

Cutie Pie Pikachu!
Our mind dictates, our body translates, our friend gyrates.
Stop it hussain, it is not worth doing it.

Midnight @ Rocksbarrie

It is once again being disputed that no man is an island and no man can stand alone. That, my friend, is a no-brainer. I believe that everyone will agree with you.

You see, several years ago...yada...yada....yada...(cloud of smoke comes in and face of narrator fades in the background) (music: chime generated followed by constant plucking of harp) (lights fade off)

(Lightning flashes twice) (Enter the magnificent Utoy, all caped and masked with the matching leotards and fabric boots) (LED "U" flashes in his chest) (music: tadaaa!)

And what have you got? A limping eegol, not bald though.

What a funny way to end the weekend. Cheers dazed peeps! And, by the way, keep scratching your heads. It is just the way it is. Simple pun.