Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Meritorious Commentism

As usual, my being able to connect in the internet allows me to swing by this favorite hat spot.

I greet all of you with thunderstorm and shower yet peaceful happiness.

Just to let everyone know, the wifey and I are planning to opt out of the grouppie called vox populi. It has been a while since we have been men beers of this grouppie. It is a joyful joyful experience. But I would be terribly lying if I would say it's all fun and fun. There are lots of down moments that are wregrettably wrecking the grouppies but , hey, the bard has spoken "sheeteth happeneth!" And so, my friend and friends of my friend, I would like to start bidding "adieu" to you. If I see anything worthwhile to post before the final goodbuy, then I shall still return. Otherwise, this blog sill sit still for a long time.

I cannot bring out the news as of yet, but let us see and wait for the next chapter to come.