Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back to Mindanao Mission/ Phee Phay Pho Pham

Have been gettting a lot of assignments to go to the South. It is a mission vested to me. I should always be obedient. Eventhought the price I pay is missing a lot to connect with you guys. Anyway, I am glad that fighting the fight of faith is again in existence.

And have been reading a lot of fuss about the name game! wooo hoooo!

Isn't this exciting that your EYESEE had also decided to join the brouhaha? And your FURTERS is in wide grin ready to gobbledycook.

Who will see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Finesse is still a factor for winning the art of war. Mockery may have stolen the limelight but the "x factor" remains to be the etiquette.