Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mastering the Data

There had been a lot of exchanges....wait...I would like to greet everyone a big HELLO first as I just arrived from a Mindanao mission...ok, back to monkey business. The exchanges I am mentioning is between texters and bloggers alike. Both are hurling mud cakes to each other that they can all be considered mud hurlers generation. These two people prefer to have the bar tips they are getting to be as massive at it can be. In the process, or should I say, in fear of losing foothold of these followers, they sing the song "I Would Do Anything."

Grumble....grumble....should this be happening? Do not answer now. I do not need your answer at this moment.

What I would like the members to know is that in their effort to protect their group names for whatever sake, both of them become losers. It is an effing lose lose situation, I say. The only winner is non other than the BadOne.

So I respectfully suggest that exclude the mud hurling activity from their mission list. Resources are going to waste land instead of going to the love land. As one blogger said, In the end, every single creation is accountable for his/her own deeds.
